Privacy Policy

All personal information that you supply to us (including your name, address and telephone number) will be used solely to fulfill your orders. You can rest assured that the information you provide is never sold or transferred to any other person. In the rare event we need clarification or concerns regarding the purchase or order, will your contact information like your email address and phone number be used. If you go to the section of your account called \”My Account\”, you can filter out or restrict the information that is kept in our database.

What kind of information are we collecting?

After you have placed your order via our website and sign-up for a website-wide sweepstakes or contest entry, submit a questionnaire, communicate with us (email or other), or take part in any other site features that require your personal information, we will keep it.

The user will need to fill in your name as well as your address (including email address) as well as your phone number, address and credit card details. However, you can visit our site anonymously.

How do we use your information?

We may use the information that we gather from you when you register for a purchase, buy products, take part in a contest or promotion and respond to surveys or other marketing communications, browse the site, or utilize different features of the website in the following ways:

Make your visit more personal through our website by allowing us to provide the products and content which you find most interesting.

Customer service requirements will help us better serve our customers.

To quickly process your transactions.

It\’s possible to host on a web page a feature, such as a poll, competition or even a promotional.

How do we protect visitor information?

Our security procedures are designed to ensure your privacy. Personal information of you is stored behind secured networks and is only accessible to a small quantity of individuals who are granted particular access rights to the system, and must keep the data confidential. Our secure servers are available for ordering and storing your personal information. Secure Socket Layer – SSL technology transfers sensitive credit data. It\’s encrypted within our database and is only able to be used by authorized users.

Modifications to Our Policy

We will inform you when the privacy practices of our company change. Changes to the policy only impact information that was collected after the changes were made.

Feedback and questions

Any concerns, questions or comments on privacy are welcome. You can send us feedback about privacy issues or any other matter.

Your consent

When you use our site, we assume that you agree with our policy regarding privacy.